Hello Everyone,
I hope you had a nice weekend. I would like to thank everyone who donated books to our classroom. We really appreciate and enjoy it. Reading is a wonderful thing, so thanks again for adding to our library. This week in reading we will be doing Long A spelled ai and ay. Please point these out when reading with your child. This Friday is jeans for scholarships. Students can wear jeans and their school shirt for one dollar, for two dollars they cans wear jeans and collared shirt (NO T-Shirts). All proceeds go towards scholarships for students here at St. Jerome. Please remember that reading is part of their homework. The reading log needs to be turned in on Mondays. Any missing reading logs will be counted as missing homework.
Sight words for this week: don’t from hear live when
Spelling and Dictation Sentences:
1. Please wait, I am not afraid!
2. Mr. Jay can stay and paint the train.
Chall1enge words: stray sprain chains away
Bonus Word: bluejay
Math: counting by two and 5. Test Friday. Test will cover place value, odd and even numbers, patterns in a hundred chart, greater than less than.
Social Studies: We will continue working on Our Community at Work
Writing: Using adjectives to describe shape, color, and sound.
Behavior: Please check their calendar daily. Calendar should come back everyday.