Dear Parents,
November is a busy month. There will be no Spelling words nor test this week since it is so short. I will ask you to please review the following sight words with your child. They should be able to recognize most of them. I will be testing them one on one to see which words they need to work on. I’ll be sending you the list back with the words they need to work on circled in red. Following are a few updates for the month:
11/13 Clothespin doll project due. Please remember to study the index card with the information for their oral report.
11/14 Bring a dollar this Friday and wear Jeans with a school top (either PE shirt or white polo) No dollar, No jeans
11/17-11/21 Oral reports (this might be extended into the next week if we don’t finish)
11/19 Wed. Bake sale send in 50 cents
11/25 We will be making butter on Wednesday the 25th, if you have Gerber jars with lids please send them in.
We will be collecting recyclable bottles and cans. Please send these in on Friday 11/21. The class that collects the most will get a rootbeer float party. We want to win!!!
red do make
blue to play
see like went
yellow that walk
I get did
a we saw
at two me
and what come
can one down
the three away
look up no
my here will
big where how
it go many
in but on
have am why
is all they
not are
you find