Spelling week of 10/27-10/31
all are find make play candle grab tan bag rag
Challenge words: cloud rain
Dear Parents,
Thanks for all you do at home. Your hard work really shows when the children come to school. Here are a few dates to remember:
10/27 art project (Thank you volunteers)
10/29 clothespin doll project goes home
10/30 Mass Please be here at 7:45 am /Spelling Test (due to Halloween parade)
10/31 Halloween Parade 8:30 am in the backyard Remember no blood or gore and no low cut outfits for the girls. You can bring your camera to take pictures.
November Reminders
11/6 all school mass 11:15 am
11/10-11/11 No School Veteran’s Day
11/13 Clothespin doll project due
Week of 11/17-11/20 Oral Presentations on clothespin doll project
Reminder: Please go to my blog to look at sample cultural dolls from last year. Click on cultural doll and it will come up.